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Amir Abbas Babasafari

Amir Abbas Babasafari


About Amir Abbas Babasafari

Postdoctoral research fellow
I am a reservoir geophysicist with over 10 years of experience in oil and gas industry. I received B.S. (2006) in mining exploration and M.S. (2008) in geophysics (exploration seismology). After that, I worked as a geophysicist in the oil and gas industry from 2008 to 2017 in Iran and got involved in several exploration as well as field development megaprojects. My main expertise is seismic data interpretation and reservoir characterization where I achieved invaluable experiences in clastic and carbonate reservoirs. I have recently obtained my Ph.D. degree in petroleum geoscience (seismic exploration) at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia (January 2020). My thesis entitled: “New approach to reservoir properties prediction using petro-elastic inversion in a transversely isotropic media”. During my Ph.D. studies in Centre of Excellence in Subsurface Seismic Imaging and Hydrocarbon Prediction, I have practically contributed in seismic reservoir characterization of some research projects granted by PETRONAS in Malaysian Basin. My interests range widely, from seismic data processing to interpretation and reservoir modeling. However, I am more interested in seismic data interpretation, velocity model building, rock physics modeling, seismic data inversion, anisotropic AVO analysis, machine learning techniques for petrophysical properties prediction and lithofacies classification, seismic fracture study, pore pressure prediction, and 4D (time lapse) studies. I am an expert in some industry commercial software such as Petrel, Hampson Russell, Jason, and Opendtect and experienced in programming software, i.e., Matlab and Python. I mentored junior postgraduate students in exploration geophysics. I have published articles in the prestigious geophysical journals, e.g., Geophysical Prospecting, Interpretation, and The Leading Edge as well as SEG annual conference. I am currently a postdoctoral research fellow at Center for Petroleum Studies of Campinas University, Brazil. My research title is: Seismic fracture study on pre-salt carbonate rocks in Brazilian Basin. I am eager to learn and discover new aspects of exploration and also share my experiences with others. Last but not least, I am very enthusiastic to get involved in the renewable energy studies such as geothermal research and develop specific cutting-edge workflows for desired objectives.

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