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Hayder Al-Bahadily

Hayder Al-Bahadily


About Hayder Al-Bahadily

Chief geophysicist
Potential (gravity, magnetic and electric) field specialist. Fieldworks, processing and interpretation.

Company: Iraq Geological Survey (GEOSURV) Duration: Oct 01, 2017 to Sep 01, 2019 . 1 year 11 months Description:
Fieldworks performance in gravity (micro & macro), magnetic and electric surveys and preparing final reports, researches and disk studies.
Position: Head of Geophysics section Duration: Oct 01, 2017 to Sep 01, 2019 . 1 year 11 months Description:
Fieldworks performance in gravity (micro & macro), magnetic and electric surveys and preparing final reports, researches and disk studies.
University: University of Baghdad Degree: PhD Graduation Year: 2022 Area: Geology/geophysics Start - End Year: 2019 - 2022 Notes:
Evolution the Geological View of the Southern Iraqi Desert utilizing Potential Field Data (gravity & magnetic).

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