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Baharak Ghaffarinik

Baharak Ghaffarinik


About Baharak Ghaffarinik

More than 16 years’ experience of solid petrophysics. My experience ranges from exploration to multi-well reservoir characterization and field development plan within a multidisciplinary team environment. I have been involved in evaluation of different reservoir types in Middle East (Iran & Libya), Mexico, Ecuador, Colombia, Guatemala, Brazil, Cuba, Chile & Argentina (Carbonate, Clastic, Volcanic, Unconventional and Basement) with different porosity system (primary, secondary, dual system,..), different fluid type (water, oil, gas, condensate) and in complex reservoirs (low resistivity pay, fresh water, thin beds, Tar/Bitumin, Unconventional oil/gas, complex lithology, volcanic and tilted contact).

Company: Peronas Carigali-Mexico Duration: Feb 01, 2019 to Oct 01, 2019 . 8 months
Position: Exploration-Operation Petrophysicist Duration: Feb 01, 2019 to Oct 01, 2019 . 8 months

Company: Schlumberge Duration: Aug 01, 2003 to Feb 01, 2009 . 5 years 6 months
Position: Senior Reservoir Petrophysicist Duration: Aug 01, 2003 to Feb 01, 2019 . 15 years 6 months

Company: Geolgical Survey of Iran Duration: Oct 01, 2000 to Jul 01, 2001 . 9 months
Position: Geologist Duration: Oct 01, 2000 to Jul 01, 2001 . 9 months
University: Research Institute for Earth Science Degree: Master degree of Science Graduation Year: 2000 Area: Structural Geology Start - End Year: Sep 1998 - Oct 2000

Well Data Management; 

Formation Evaluation; 

Measurement While Drilling; 

Formation correlation; 

Core-log integration; 

Planning, implementation and QC of data accquisition programs for Oil/Gas operators; 

Core Logging; 


Log Analysis; 

Log Analysis (Wireline); 

Log Analysis (MWD); 

Multimineral Analysis; 

Electrofacies Analysis; 

Wellbore stability analysis; 

Data quality control; 

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