Brownsville, Texas, United States
We help our customers optimize the design and execution of their geophysical projects.
About ACTeQ
ACTeQ \akt’ek\ is the only fully independent supplier of 3D and 4D seismic survey planning and operational optimization software and services for land, marine streamer, seabed, borehole and hybrid environments.
Description of Services
Our mission is simple. ACTeQ will help our customers to optimize the design and execution of their geophysical projects.

What we do
Seismic survey design is a balancing act.
Optimization means finding the right balance between different and often competing priorities.
Safety - personnel exposure and risk
Environmental impact
Time to acquire and process
Quality - resolution, illumination, S/N etc
TesserACT is the only truly holistic tool that brings all these elements together in a single software environment enabling real optimization.

Life at ACTeQ
ACTeQ is a 100% virtual company. From day 1 we have operated as a fully virtual company. We were living the Zoom life before COVID made it cool !
ACTeQ offers TesserACT survey planning and optimization software and services for land, marine streamer, seabed, borehole and mixed mode acquisition. By integrating operational and geophysical analysis in a single software package, we can help you deliver improved imaging faster, cheaper, and safer than ever before.