Professional Services
(Services or Solutions Offered By Professionals or Service Companies)
Services offered by professionals or service companies. Sell your skillsets, your expertise. Things you can do, services you can offer.
- Example 1: You are a Geoscientist and can evaluate logs. You can offer a service titled "Experienced log evaluator".
- Example 2: You’re a service company providing asset development solutions. You can offer a service titled "We will provide asset development services".
Oilfield Professional Services

Oil and Gas Opportunities In Italy - Database (seismic & well logs)

Strata GeoResearch
10,000.00 - $500,000.00

Marketing and Implementation of Solar/PV Plants

XRS Consulting Engineers CC
10,000.00 - $5,000,000.00

Geological & Geophysical Services

Southwest Pinnacle Exploration Limited
5,000.00 - $500,000.00

Drilling and petroleum services
DASCO for drilling and petroleum services
5,000.00 - $100,000.00

Contract Packaging

National Engineering Services Pakistan (Pvt.) Limited (NESPAK)
1,000,000.00 - $100,000,000.00

Regional Study - Carbonate Reservoir Characterization

Geode-Energy Ltd
25,000.00 - $250,000.00