BGU Dr. Brehm & Grünz GbR
Bielefeld, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
BGU Dr. Brehm & Grünz GbR
Geology & Geoscience Consulting.
About BGU Dr. Brehm & Grünz GbR
Our company was founded in February 2000 under the name "BGU Dr. Brehm" based in Werther/Westphalia. In March 2002, Mr. Thomas Grünz joined the partnership under civil law. Since then, it has been called "BGU" - Office of Geohydrology and Environmental Information System Dr. Brehm & Grünz GbR. Dr. Brehm is from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of East Westphalia to Bielefeld publicly appointed and sworn expert for Groundwater and geothermal energy. Our offices are now located in the Bielefeld Technology Centre, where a large number of local Consulting and service company are close, and enables interdisciplinary work. Our team consists 5 geologists.
Description of Services
- Geology and Hydrogeology
- Geoinformatics and Geostatistics
- Exploration of old deposits and Old locations
- Groundwater modelling
- Geothermal energy

What we do
- Expert opinion on the fields of geology, hydrogeology, geothermal energy, geoinformatics and environmental technology.
- Historical exploration, aerial photo evaluation, post-war damage, animation, contaminated site investigation, Risk assessment, Remediation of contaminated sites.
- Landfill and plant site survey, Land recycling, demolition of buildings.
- Securing and remediation of soil and groundwater damage in the event of accidents, coordination of immediate measures.
- Contaminated site information systems based on ArcView and customized industry models.
- Exploration, use and securing of groundwater and mineral water deposits, water development.
- Site exploration of drinking water and mineral water fountains.
- Planning and dimensioning of dewatering measures in construction projects.

Life at BGU Dr. Brehm & Grünz GbR
- Exploration of deposits, wet and dry excavations as well as road, and tunnels, measures groundwater exploration drilling and hydraulic tests, pumping test evaluation.
- Implementation of water law procedures (drinking water protection areas and Water Rights Applications).
- Establishment of specialist databases (well and drilling databases, hydrology and hydrochemistry).
- Establishment of geoscientific GIS systems and porting to CD or to the Internet/Intranet.
- Hydrological and hydrogeological Models.
- Statistical monitoring network optimization, parameterization of hydrochemical and hydrological data.
- Professional support of projects for electricity generation and district heating geothermal energy, Modelling of geothermal probe fields, geothermal doublets and seasonal energy storage.