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Dr AKM Eahsanul Haque

Dr AKM Eahsanul Haque


About Dr AKM Eahsanul Haque


Dr. AKM Eahsanul Haque is a Subsurface Geomodeler, Co-Founder of ThinkForce USA - an upstream energy technology company focused on hydrocarbon detection, analysis, interpretation and software resources. He has 14 years of industry and academic research experience. He has worked and led in various subsurface characterization projects in Bangladesh, Brunei, Thailand, Oman, Australia, New Zealand and USA. He led 20+ professional field trips in the Asia Pacific region and participated in over 15 international geological/petroleum geological conferences.

He has published 17 high impact research papers and is the principal inventor of a geomodeling workflow patent. He also has led a software development team, developing a 3D Geomodeling Software which is currently in beta phase.

In addition, he is currently collaborating with Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) on Interplanetary Rover Project, as an Technical Advisor.

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