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Electronic Construction Service - ECS

Cairo Governorate, Egypt

Electronic Construction Service - ECS !

Provider of pioneering technologies and creative solutions for the exploration, drilling, and production of oil, water and gas.

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About Electronic Construction Service - ECS

For over 50 years, ECS has established itself as a provider of pioneering technologies and creative solutions that integrate into today’s needs for growing industries. With the experience of its engineers & scientists and the potential of young, passionate people, ECS has always been providing its clients all over the globe with outstanding products and quality services.


Description of Services

Electronic Construction Service (ECS) is a leading global products and services provider that provides a wide variety of products and services to a diversified client base.

ECS has been developing cutting-edge solutions facilitating the exploration, drilling and production of oil, water and gas in Europe & Middle East cost-effectively. Throughout that time, ECS has focused on delivering high-quality solutions to its clients.

By thoughtful management, ECS has maintained the development of personnel from workforce to management, nurturing the continuity of their knowledge and experience and their good relationships with clients.

Today, ECS continues to conduct a lot of research and development activity in various activities & markets and provides solutions to multiple clients in different market sectors.

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