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Mohamed Hammam
   1 follower

Mohamed Hammam


About Mohamed Hammam

1:57 am local time

Senior Reservoir Engineer $50/hr
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Key Attributes and Proficiencies

  • Reservoir Management
  • Production forecast & Field Development Planning
  • Improved Oil Recovery Evaluations
  • Daily Field Operations and Production Optimization
  • Water flood management
  • Reservoir characterization
  • New well delivery evaluation
  • PVT Characterization
  • DFN Modelling
  • Carbonate frac. reservoir simulation
  • Numerical Reservoir Simulation
  • Well Test Design and Analysis
  • Reserves/Resources Evaluation
  • Knowledge of SPE-PRMS guidelines for reserves and their classifications


Company: work logo Promote Energy Duration: Jan 01, 2020 to Present . 5 years 2 months
Position: Senior Reservoir Engineer - Consultant Duration: Jan 01, 2020 to Present . 5 years 2 months Location: New Cairo, Cairo, Egypt Description:
KEY ACCOMPLISHED PROJECTS • Promote Energy (2022 - 2023). Participated in conducting a Full Field Asset Evaluation Project for the fractured carbonate reservoir (Kurrachine dolomite). Implement a full field review for all the dynamic data, perform a full reservoir rock characterization, perform a complete reserve estimation for all layers, build several MBAL models for different scenarios, and perform reservoir fluid characterization for all the delivered fluid samples using PVTsim. The work resulting in re-assessment all the remaining reserve volumes, conduct a complete field development planning for this reservoir, and propose several New Well Deliveries opportunities (Jihar Field, Syria). Create and adjust the discrete fracture network (DFN) for Kurrachine dolomite carbonate reservoir based on the seismic resampling and available fracture well data (Jihar Field, Syria). Build a dual porosity 3D dynamic model for the fracture Kurrachine dolomite carbonate reservoir (Jihar Field, Syria). • Implement several PVT characterization models for oil and gas samples to improve and enhance the working efficiency. • Participated in conducting several Reservoir & Full Field Asset evaluation projects (GOS and Western Desert, EGYPT).

Company: work logo GUPCO Duration: Jul 01, 2014 to Present . 10 years 8 months
Position: Senior Reservoir Engineer Duration: Jul 01, 2014 to Present . 10 years 8 months Location: Maadi, Cairo, Egypt Description:
KEY ACCOMPLISHED PROJECTS • GUPCO-BP JV (2017 - 2018). Implement a full field review for the Lower Rudies reservoir in South July field. Study included production data analysis (actuals), history match, production forecast per GUPCO QPF format, and recommendation of 2 new development opportunities in collaboration with subsurface, wells, & production teams, increasing GUPCO daily oil production by 1500 BOPD and add reserve by more than 3 MMSTB of oil (GOS, EGYPT). • GUPCO-BP JV (2018). Implement a comprehensive study for the temporary abandoned Upper Rudies Reservoir (Asl & Hawara formations) in North July field. The work includes gathering and reviewing all the dynamic production & pressure data reports, conduct the entire conventional reservoir engineering analysis tools, and building a 3D dynamic model. Resulting in a robust redevelopment plan for this reservoir, which increase GUPCO daily oil production by 500 BOPD and add 2 MMSTB of proven oil reserve (GOS, EGYPT). • GUPCO-DO JV (2021 - 2023). Implement a comprehensive continuous review for the water injection management in the most mature field in the GOS EL-Morgan Field. The work includes performing a full conformance water injection review and comprehensive performance review on field and well level. Generation of WI conformance dashboard that allowed the team to monitor the WI efficiency in terms of areal and vertical sweeping. Resulting in enhancing water flood efficiency, reduce the un-desired water circulation, increase the profitable oil production (Increase oil rate by +2000 BOPD and reduce water production rate by +10000 BWPD). I also generated -among the team- report/dashboard that allowed the team to monitor/track water injection rate/value afterwards (GOS, EGYPT). • GUPCO-DO JV (2022). Participated in planning and execution of Dahshour new prospect evaluation project (GOS, EGYPT). Conduct a complete analysis for all the available analog data, perform uncertainty and optimization analysis, and conduct the bench marking exercise. • Implement several PVT characterization models for oil and gas samples to improve and enhance the working efficiency. WORK EXPERIENCE GUPCO Petroleum Company – Petroleum Engineer 2014 – 2015 • Follow up the daily production performance, monitor the daily losses and record the reasons for the daily Gain and/or losses according to GUPCO / BP reporting process. • Production allocation, rig/rigless activity tracking through multiple periodic reports/dashboards. • Act as the team SPA in addressing EGPC enquires regarding GUPCO daily production and daily activities. • Responsible for preparing and executing well intervention programs like gas lift survey, static pressure survey, gas lift valve change, E-line perforation, PLT and water shut-off program. GUPCO Petroleum Company – Senior Reservoir Engineer 2015 – Current • Worked on the reservoir management planning in major GUPCO fields like July, Ramadan, Morgan, Saqqara and GS277. Work included field development planning, Production performance evaluation, reservoir & asset evaluation and well prognosis (New Well Delivery). The work resulting in adding new successful infill wells to GUPCO in order to maximize profitable recovery from different reservoirs in July, Morgan and Saqqara fields. • Conduct several reservoir simulation studies for several reservoirs in central area using Petrel. The work includes: o Perform the quality check for the static model and assure that it is ready to start the initialization step. o Prepare all the data required for all the input decks to create the dynamic model. o Create the simulation model including all inputs decks. o Initialization and fine-tuning the model o Use the Uncertainty and Optimization module to address a wide range of possible scenarios to be used for both history matching and future forecasting. o Run different forecasting scenarios. • Participated in managing the waterflooding management for the most mature oil field in the Gulf of Suez (Morgan field). • Participated in planning and implementation of reservoir surveillance plans including production logging (PLT), (TDT), static surveys, saturation logs and analysis of the obtained data using different software. • Perform different PVT characterization studies using PVTsim software to create PVT model for different HC fluid samples (condensate gas and conventional black oil samples). • Conduct multiple reservoir engineering activities (Water injection performance review, well performance review, total field performance review, field offtake strategy, reserve estimation, production optimization, production forecasting and evaluating New Well Delivery opportunities). Work includes using all the conventional reservoir-engineering tools (water injection diagnostic plots, reservoir surveillance planning, MBAL software, DCA, wells work-over plans, pressure transient analysis) and advanced 3D modeling approach as per GUPCO / BP working process.
University: education logo Cairo University Degree: Bachelor's Degree Graduation Year: 2012 Area: Petroleum Engineering Start - End Year: 2007 - 2012

Well Data Management; 

Formation Evaluation; 

Wireline Operations; 

Production Optimization; 

Formation correlation; 



Well testing; 


Well Intervention operations; 

Training Courses; 


Rock Physics; 

Log Analysis; 

Log Analysis (Wireline); 




Routine core analysis; 

Petroleum analysis; 

Artificial Lift Optimization -ESP & Gas Lift; 

Water Management; 

Reservoir Engineer; 

Petroleum Engineer; 

Reservoir Characterization; 

Production Maximization; 


Oil & Gas well; 




Formation Testing and Sampling; 


Classroom instruction; 

Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR); 




petex; prosper, gap, mbal, openserver, PVTP; 

3D modeling; 


Fracture Reservoir Simulation; 

Work History & Review

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