Mohamed Ramadan

About Mohamed Ramadan
Cairo, Cairo, Egypt 2:18 pm local time
Senior Geologist / Pore Pressure Specialist $20/hr
Consultant wellsite geologist, evaluating offset data before the start of drilling; analyzing, evaluating and describing formations while drilling, using cuttings, gas, formation evaluation measurement while drilling (FEMWD) and wireline data; comparing data gathered during drilling with predictions made at the exploration stage; advising on drilling hazards and drilling bit optimization; taking full responsibility for making decisions about suspending or continuing drilling; advising operations personnel on-site and in the operations office; acting, in effect, as the representative of the oil company geology team; supervising mudlogging, FEMWD and wireline services personnel and monitoring quality control in relation to these services; keeping detailed records, writing reports, completing daily, weekly and post-well reporting logs and sending these to appropriate departments; maintaining up-to-date knowledge of measuring while drilling (MWD) tools, such as gamma and resistivity, as geosteering becomes increasingly important; communicating regularly with operations offices, worked with Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation (GSPC) in Farafra Oasis. Professionally experienced and trained Senior Pore Pressure Engineer working for International Logging a Weatherford company, based in Kuwait worked also in Saudi Arabia and Mozambique, During this period worked in onshore/land fields, deep and high pressure wells, the main job is marking formation pressure, tops, structure, monitoring all drilling operations, maintaining logs and reports, providing real time support and advise, plus managing a fully networked mudlogging unit and a team of geologists. Professionally experienced and trained ADT Engineer (Pore Pressure Engineer) working for Sperry-sun (Halliburton co.), based in Abu Dhabi & Kuwait From 2003, During this period worked offshore and onshore sites the main job is to mark formation pressure, tops, structure, monitor all drilling parameters, and maintaining logs and reports. Highly experienced TDC 11 trained from Italy in 2001 for Geoservices; during this period mostly deal with well hydraulics, rig mathematics, etc, and Worked in Algeria and Tunisia from 2001-2003. Worked as Senior Mud Logging Engineer, and Trainee Pressure Engineer with Sperry-sun (Halliburton co.) in Kuwait from 1999-2001. Worked as Senior Mud Logging Engineer and Well Site Geologist with SDL (Halliburton co.) in Egypt, Main job was to describe samples, oil shows, mark formation tops, structure, and operate the logging unit, etc from 1996-1999. Worked as Mud Logging Engineer with Sperry-Sun (Dresser Co.) in Egypt, Main job was to describe samples, oil shows, and operate the logging unit, etc from 1994-1996. Highly trained Data Engineer trained so many engineers in Sperry-Sun, Geoservices ,Halliburton and Weatherford and give services to many companies IEOC (Agip), GUPCO (Amoco), Mobil, Q.P.C. (Apache), K.O.C., Amerada Hess, BHP billiton, British Gas, D.P.C (ConocoPhillips), ADMA-OPCO, Margham Dubai Establishment, Enirepsa and Anadarko. Highly familiarity Geologist with strong well site experience have complete idea of different formats of data used by different companies, full command on Insite, LS2000, Iris, ALS, Microsoft utilities and have good idea of hardware, worked in online environment and familiar with networking as well.
Project management;
Business Development;
Well Data Management;
Formation Evaluation;
Drilling Services;
Measurement While Drilling;
Formation correlation;
Operation geology;
Log Analysis (MWD);
Wellbore stability analysis;
Petroleum Engineer;
Horizontal Drilling;
Oil & Gas well;
Classroom instruction;
Field course instruction;