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Houston, Texas, United States 10:51 am local time


The World Leader In Reservoir Intelligence.

51-100 employees
Visit My Services
Total Service posted: 51
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The intel gathered and shared by our unique, integrated process and one-of-a-kind team of experts informs the entire life cycle of an asset. Having analyzed nearly 100,000 wells for more than 500 clients in every major play in the world, no one can provide a clearer picture of an asset’s value.

A privately-owned, comprehensive global oilfield services company, NuTech was founded in 1998 by ex-Schlumberger and Numar/Halliburton executives who pioneered Nuclear Magnetic Resonance research and development.

Description of Services

Maximizing value and minimizing risk at every turn.

Identify, quantify and produce.

Our sole purpose, the reason we exist, is to drive hydrocarbon reserves and facilitate energy independence. We help our clients identify, quantify and produce their hydrocarbon reserves – unconventional and conventional – without the added expense of running new logs.

NUTECH service description image
What we do

We are committed to be the premier provider of reservoir valuation, characterization and analytics to the Oil & Gas industry.

The pioneers of reservoir intelligence, today we have analyzed both core and logs of nearly every prospective and producing basin in the world. We have modeled the most prolific American unconventional reservoirs from a 3D geological model to optimized fracture treatments to field development plans.

NUTECH what we do image

Work History & Review

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