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Piasa Consultores

Piasa Consultores

Lima, Provincia de Lima, Peru

Piasa Consultores !

Civil engineering.

101-1000 employees
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About Piasa Consultores

PIASA Consultores - Is a consulting firm, founded in 1971, in San José, Costa Rica. It was created with the purpose of providing the best consultancy services in engineering and architecture, through a personalized and dedicated treatment, guaranteeing a final result with high standards of quality and market price. Since 2010, we compete at the regional level. Today we offer our services in Panama, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic and Jamaica; standing out in the field of engineering and architecture, covering areas of design, inspection and project development .

Description of Services

To provide our clients with the best service in the area of engineering and architecture consulting, through a personalized and dedicated treatment, which guarantees their satisfaction and gives as a final result a product with high standards of quality and market price.

Piasa Consultores service description image
What we do

To be the leading company in the region in the field of engineering and architecture, covering areas of design, inspection and project development.

Piasa Consultores what we do image
Life at Piasa Consultores

The working groups carry out comprehensive consultancies ranging from site selection, civil and architectural designs, construction plans, technical specifications, contractual documents, bidding advice, budgets and permit processing, to the construction inspection of the work, with all the details that this discipline entails.

The professional teams are continuously updated with the help of foreign specialist professionals, with whom they participate in important projects, in addition to regularly participating in continuing education cycles and attending conferences on current issues in the fields of each discipline.

Piasa Consultores life at company image

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