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Prince Ifeanyichukwu

Prince Ifeanyichukwu


About Prince Ifeanyichukwu

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Lead Completion and Well Intervention Engineer $120/hr

I possess an excellent exposure to the oil and gas industry where I demonstrate expertise and competency in providing technical and operational support in Well Performance Assessment, Cased-Hole completions, Open Hole Completions/Wellbore Construction, Sand control systems, wellbore interventions, wellbore cleanup, Well Hydraulic Fracturing, Knowledge of downhole surveillance techniques among other equipment preparation & installation on the rig site.

I also actively participate in coordinating QA/QC and related activities before equipment deployment to rig sites. A meticulous, self-motivated and target driven individual who always persevere to achieve high quality results and deliver value with minimal supervision.

I also possess excellent interpersonal and socio-engineering skills, passion for diversity and value a great team work. I always place the highest priority on the health and safety of individuals and my working environment for an all round operational excellence and deliverables.

Company: work logo Baker Hughes Canada Duration: Dec 05, 2022 to Present . 2 years 3 months
Position: Lead Engineer, Completions and Well Interventions Duration: Dec 05, 2022 to Present . 2 years 3 months Location: Canada

Position: Senior Engineer, Well Bore Construction, Completions and Intervention Duration: Dec 02, 2014 to Dec 04, 2022 . 8 years Location: Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Position: Field Engineer Duration: Dec 03, 2012 to Nov 17, 2014 . 1 year 11 months Location: Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
University: education logo University of Ibadan, Nigeria Degree: masters of Engineering Graduation Year: 2012 Area: Engineering Start - End Year: 2010 - 2012 Notes:

M.Sc in Petrolrum Engineering

University: education logo University of Port Harcourt Degree: Bachelors of Engineering Graduation Year: 2007 Area: Engineering Start - End Year: 2002 - 2007 Notes:

Bachelors in Petroleum and Gas Engineering

Awards & Recognitions
Award Name: Best Graduant, M.Sc Class of 2012, Petroleum Engineering Award Year: 2012
Award Name: Schlumberger International Intern Summer Window Awardee Award Year: 2006
Heading:  A MODEL FOR SCREENING RESERVOIRS FOR CARBON DIOXIDE FLOODING Publisher: International Journal of Engineering & Technology Vol. 4, No. 1. January 2014 Publish Date: Jan 01, 2014
Ifeanyichukwu, P. C., 1Isehunwa, S. O., Akpabio, J. U
The use of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) flooding as an Enhance Oil recovery (EOR) method is well established in the petroleum industry. An important component of this process is the screening criteria used in assessing the prospective reservoirs. Most of the common screening models passively qualify reservoirs as good or poor candidates for CO2 EOR. However, the huge upfront capital investment involved in CO2 EOR projects makes it important for the development of more robust screening criteria. This study used detailed reservoir simulation and Design of Experiment (DOE) techniques to evaluate the key parameters that affect the performance of oil reservoirs undergoing CO2 flooding and develop a proxy model for the performance prediction. The key parameters affecting performance were established as reservoir heterogeneity, dip, mobility ratio of the CO2 to oil, injection rate, volume of CO2 available and the nature of the reservoir fluids. The proxy model was validated with detailed reservoir simulation and comparison with existing correlations.

Well Data Management; 

Remote Operations; 

Wireline Operations; 


Planning, implementation and QC of data accquisition programs for Oil/Gas operators; 

Portfolio Analysis; 

Portfolio Management; 

Decision Analysis; 


Well Intervention operations; 


Petroleum analysis; 

Petroleum Engineer; 

Will Data; 

Oil & Gas well; 

Data entry specialist; 

Work History & Review

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