Strata GeoResearch
Chieti, Abruzzo, Italy
Strata GeoResearch
Delivering high quality services in carbonate geology for the E&P industry
About Strata GeoResearch
We deeply believe that a correct integration of surface and subsurface datasets gives value to E&P projects.
STRATA GEORESEARCH is a top level spin-off firm of the University of Chieti-Pescara (Italy): a company established in 2017 to deliver multidisciplinary geoscience support to the E&P industry with the huge experience gained from our long activity on Mediterranean carbonate geology.
Description of Services
Surface analogues are combined and compared with:
subsurface datasets when available, allowing a better definition of uncertainties associated with geological parameters, such as tectonic setting, trap configuration, depositional system and environment of reservoir rocks and reservoir properties;
existing oil & gas fields, providing a valuable comparison between an investment opportunity and the results achieved from analogous exploration plays.
SGR provides a comprehensive, valuable insight on geoscience data and knowledge, via:
access to several field-based databases, storing original hard and soft data derived from more than 20 years of fieldwork studies, detailed analytical and interpretation programs on Meso-Cenozoic carbonates of the Central and Eastern Mediterranean;
experience in researching and characterizing new surface analogues, or revitalize poorly defined ones, in order to optimize resources for a proper evaluation of opportunities.

What we do
Surface-analogue studies provide an efficient and cost-effective way of obtaining genuine geological data that can maximise our understanding on heterogeneities in carbonate systems, reducing uncertainties associated with a play and with the presence and effectiveness of source rock, reservoir, seal.
Our surface-analogue studies are designed to integrate numerical, analytical and descriptive data into effective databases for benchmarking purposes or for use in reservoir modelling workflows during exploration, appraisal and development stages.
SGR staff has published more than 100 papers on carbonate systems of the Mediterranean area.

Life at Strata GeoResearch
Our research starts from the selection of surface case studies that meet the following requirements:
- represent potential analogues to hydrocarbon reservoirs hosted in carbonate rocks;
- present seismic-scale exposures;
- allow the construction of GDE maps and the geometric reconstruction of geobodies;
- combine traditional and advanced fieldwork techniques to promote the transformation of data into numerical parameters;
- acquire a large number of data in order to allow data-processing in quantitative models;
- have extensive data coverage to prevent the reservoir-scale prediction of facies distribution from being biased by poorly constrained interpretation of lateral facies changes;
- provide a basis for the application of innovative investigation techniques, such as digital outcrop modelling, spectral analysis and synthetic seismic modelling.