Stuart Burley
About Stuart Burley
Director $500/hr
Stuart Burley is a Director at Discovery Geoscience in the UK, holds an Emeritus Chair at the Department of Geology and the Environment at Keele University and works with Arup at their Midlands Geotechnical Campus. Stuart specialises in sedimentology, structural geology, basin modelling, reservoir characterisation and geochemistry, and undertakes research across a spectrum of geological processes in sedimentary basins. Many of his more recent publications continue a research theme linking ideas developed in the Cretaceous and Tertiary basins of India into comparable basins in Pakistan. Other current projects include Triassic sedimentology and palaeogeography, with applications of UK Triassic for CCS and radioactive waste disposal.
Stuarts full publication list is available on ResearchGate, Google Scholar and Academia.