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Syed Atif Rahman

Syed Atif Rahman


About Syed Atif Rahman

Lysaker, Viken, Norway 7:37 am local time

Geoscientist & Data processor $1/hr

Energetic & passionate  geoscientist with experience of 4+ years, worked in Oil and Gas Industry. Excellent subsurface data acquisition, management and seismic interpretation mapping skills and experienced user of interpretation workstation (e.g., Petrel, RokDoc, PowerLog, Hampson-Russell). My expertise includes prospect identification through seismic interpretation and de-risking prospect with implementing subsurface advance practices for Quantitative Seismic Reservoir Characterization (QSRC) through well log data analysis, wireline log conditioning, seismic petrophysics, rock physics modeling, AVO modeling & analysis, seismic inversion, and petrophysical/reservoir properties extraction. I enjoy working on new ideas and solutions in Quantitative Interpretation to de-risk the reservoir presence and effectiveness for successful hydrocarbon exploration.

Company: work logo BGP Arabia co ltd. Duration: May 09, 2023 to Present . 1 year 10 months
Position: Data Processor Duration: May 09, 2023 to Present . 1 year 10 months Location: Offshore, Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia

Company: work logo Pakistan Petroleum Limited Duration: Sep 23, 2019 to May 05, 2023 . 3 years 8 months
Position: Geoscientist Duration: Sep 23, 2019 to May 05, 2023 . 3 years 8 months Location: Karachi, Pakistan, Pakistan
University: education logo Quaid-i-Azam University Degree: M.phil Graduation Year: 2017 Area: Geophysics Start - End Year: 2017 - 2019 Notes:

Final Year Thesis: Estimation of Attenuation from Seismic Data Integrated with Investigation of Accuracy for Novel PP Reflection Coefficient Approximation in Clastic Reservoirs.

University: education logo Quaid-i-Azam University Degree: M.SC Graduation Year: 2017 Area: Geophysics Start - End Year: 2015 - 2017 Notes:

Final Year Thesis: Seismic Reflection Data Interpretation Integrated with Petrophysical Analysis, Facies Analysis and Rock Physics of Balkassar Area.

Heading: Azimuthal Prestack Seismic Anisotropic Inversion on a Deep and Tight Carbonate Reservoir From the North Potwar Basin of Pakistan Publisher: SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering Publish Date: Jul 31, 2023 URL: https://onepetro.org/REE/article-abstract/26/04/1553/526082/Azimuthal-Prestack-Seismic-Anisotropic-Inversion?redirectedFrom=fulltext
Quantitative characterization of deep, tight, and heterogeneous reservoirs plays an important role in identifying hydrocarbon pathways for effective and optimal reservoir field development. In this case study, we used an azimuthal prestack seismic anisotropic inversion approach to estimate attributes of horizontal transverse isotropy (HTI) caused by a set of vertical fractures, oriented cracks, and stress. Anisotropic inversion facilitated the conversion of interface properties to the corresponding layer-based properties, which led to the quantitative interpretation of reservoir properties related to azimuthal variation in seismic amplitudes. To estimate the anisotropy magnitude and the direction of the isotropy axis in HTI media, elastic properties (P-impedance and Vp/Vs) obtained from prestack seismic inversion (using six azimuth × four angle stack) served as inputs. The isotropic low-frequency model (LFM) is used as the foundation of the inversion for all azimuths, and the anisotropy effects are later added by updating the model along the azimuths. The direction of the isotropy plane resulting from the anisotropic inversion is determined by using the maximum horizontal stress as a prior constraint, which eliminates any inherent uncertainty. The workflow used effectively characterized the orientation and density of fractures from the recently discovered oilfield reservoirs of the Paleocene (Lockhart) formation located in Pakistan’s north Potwar Basin. It also helped improve the prediction accuracy for fractures in the study area. According to the observations (fractures) from the exploratory drilled well (D1) in the tight carbonate (Lockhart) reservoir, a significant amount of anisotropy magnitude is observed. This provides the basis for hydrocarbon exploration, field development, and reliable drilling decisions.

Heading: Discrimination of lithofacies in tight gas reservoir using field-specific rock physics modeling scheme. A case study from a mature field of middle Indus Basin, Pakistan Publisher: Acta Geophysica Publish Date: Mar 22, 2023 URL: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11600-023-01069-6
Consistency in the petrophysical and elastic properties is very critical for the characterization in low to intermediate (tight) porosity sandstone reservoirs. In this case study, we have applied an iterative and integrated workflow that provided consistency between the petrophysical and elastic properties using rock physics modeling scheme for the quantitative characterization of the low to intermediate porosity reservoir of Cretaceous (Pab) sandstone reservoir of the mature field in middle Indus basin of Pakistan. Before petrophysics and rock physics modeling (RPM), the well logs data quality is assessed and conditioned. We employed an inclusion-based rock physics model to estimate elastic (P-wave, S-wave, and density) properties by accounting for the effect of mineralogy using pore geometry (pore aspect ratio) variation. The RPM provided consistent elastic and petrophysical properties when compared with measured logs and improved lithofacies understanding in the tight gas reservoir. Finally, modeled elastic properties and lithofacies are assessed and characterized in a rock physics template (RPT) using an effective medium theory. The successful application of the integrated workflow exterminated the well log interpretation uncertainty by providing a consistency between the petrophysics and RPM, which can be extended for improved reservoir characterization and prospect evaluation across other areas with similar geological trends and reservoir distribution.

Quantitative geophysical interpretation; 

Seismic interpretation; 

Seismic processing QC; 

4D seismic; 


Rock Physics; 

Log Analysis; 

Log Analysis (Wireline); 

Data quality control; 


Reservoir Characterization; 

Mangement Data; 

Prospect generation and derisking; 

Seismic Inversion; 

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