Tarek Abdellatif

About Tarek Abdellatif
Department Manager $50/hr
I have more than 15 years of experience in exploration and development geological studies. I have been working in both oil and Gas Reservoirs, Onshore and offshore, Sandstone and Carbonate Reservoirs. I work on high structural complexity areas, also the stratigraphic basic traps. I use various geological study tools (Analytical and Numerical). Furthermore, I have unconventional reservoir experience (Tight Sand, Tight Carbonates, and thin-bed reservoirs). Moreover, I am studying my master degree in unconventional reservoirs.
Company:Study Geologist on fractured dolomitic reservoirs and Operation Geologist, Petrophysicist;
Scimitar production Egypt Ltd. Responsible for:
- Worked as well-site geologist for several wells of Issaran Field.
- Followed and co-ordinated the operations run on the rigs, in addition to prepare geological and
operational well reports.
- Run a Petrophysical analysis for many wells and selected perforated intervals.
- Worked in multidisciplinary study team with reservoir engineering and geological study teams
on fracture dolomitic reservoirs of Upper and Lower Dolomite where it is the main productive zones in that field and it produces heavy oil of max. API 11 to prepare field development plan (FDP) and design development pilots drilling campaigns to steam injector wells and production wells, in addition to select perforated intervals.
- The responsibilities were:
- Construct Correlation Panels and Cross Sections through Landmark software, also reservoir
depth maps to identify the optimum location for development wells as well as steam injector
- Determine oil water contact to avoid the invitation of water through the wellbore where the oil is
of low API gravity (11).
- Production of wells as barefoot as well as perforation in cased holes.
- Study the diagenesis of dolomite and determine the dolomatization effect as well as the
depositional environment.
- Study the fracture system and its effect on the production.
- Prepare a recommendation reports of the development wells.
Study Geologist on fractured dolomitic reservoirs and Operation Geologist, Petrophysicist;
Scimitar production Egypt Ltd. Responsible for:
- Worked as well-site geologist for several wells of Issaran Field.
- Followed and co-ordinated the operations run on the rigs, in addition to prepare geological and
operational well reports.
- Run a Petrophysical analysis for many wells and selected perforated intervals.
- Worked in multidisciplinary study team with reservoir engineering and geological study teams
on fracture dolomitic reservoirs of Upper and Lower Dolomite where it is the main productive zones in that field and it produces heavy oil of max. API 11 to prepare field development plan (FDP) and design development pilots drilling campaigns to steam injector wells and production wells, in addition to select perforated intervals.
- The responsibilities were:
- Construct Correlation Panels and Cross Sections through Landmark software, also reservoir
depth maps to identify the optimum location for development wells as well as steam injector
- Determine oil water contact to avoid the invitation of water through the wellbore where the oil is
of low API gravity (11).
- Production of wells as barefoot as well as perforation in cased holes.
- Study the diagenesis of dolomite and determine the dolomatization effect as well as the
depositional environment.
- Study the fracture system and its effect on the production.
- Prepare a recommendation reports of the development wells.
Jan 2014 to Present.
Senior Geologist. General Petroleum Company - Egypt
Working in the company for managing stratigraphic delineation and deposition environment for reservoirs of Western and Eastern deserts in addition to Gulf of Suez Company’s fields.
Responsible for:
Participated as a geologist for evaluating Northeast Ramadan offshore oil field that offered as a bid round, Gulf of Suez, Egypt, through construct structural and stratigraphic model of the area and calculate OOIP as well as risk assessment.
Participated as a geologist for discovering GG-83A Block-North Amer offshore oil field Gulf of Suez, Egypt, that tested in Miocene Rudies Formation Sand reservoir.
Participated as a geologist for discovering NES oil and gas field Western Desert, Egypt, that produced mainly from Upper Cretaceous Bahariya Formation Multi-Sand reservoirs.
My job was building the structure model and estimating OOIP and risk assessment.
Participated as a geologist in the study of reefal carbonate in Al-Hamd, Bakr, Amer and Gharib oil fields Gulf of Suez, Egypt to determine the proper reef as well as fore and back reef to choose the optimal location to drill development wells and expect the analogue prospect that yield NE Fanar prospect.
Study Lower Eocene (Thebes Limestone Reservoir) to stand on its mechanism and behavior in the production and study the diagenesis that affect on.
Conducting reservoir distribution and depositional environment for carbonate and clastic reservoirs.
Re-identification of formation tops for all company’s fields to conduct accurate correlation and determine missing section, fault points and fault cuts.
Reconstruct a depositional model for all sedimentary basins of our company.
Jan 2014 to Present.
Senior Geologist. General Petroleum Company - Egypt
Working in the company for managing stratigraphic delineation and deposition environment for reservoirs of Western and Eastern deserts in addition to Gulf of Suez Company’s fields.
Responsible for:
Participated as a geologist for evaluating Northeast Ramadan offshore oil field that offered as a bid round, Gulf of Suez, Egypt, through construct structural and stratigraphic model of the area and calculate OOIP as well as risk assessment.
Participated as a geologist for discovering GG-83A Block-North Amer offshore oil field Gulf of Suez, Egypt, that tested in Miocene Rudies Formation Sand reservoir.
Participated as a geologist for discovering NES oil and gas field Western Desert, Egypt, that produced mainly from Upper Cretaceous Bahariya Formation Multi-Sand reservoirs.
My job was building the structure model and estimating OOIP and risk assessment.
Participated as a geologist in the study of reefal carbonate in Al-Hamd, Bakr, Amer and Gharib oil fields Gulf of Suez, Egypt to determine the proper reef as well as fore and back reef to choose the optimal location to drill development wells and expect the analogue prospect that yield NE Fanar prospect.
Study Lower Eocene (Thebes Limestone Reservoir) to stand on its mechanism and behavior in the production and study the diagenesis that affect on.
Conducting reservoir distribution and depositional environment for carbonate and clastic reservoirs.
Re-identification of formation tops for all company’s fields to conduct accurate correlation and determine missing section, fault points and fault cuts.
Reconstruct a depositional model for all sedimentary basins of our company.
Exploration Geologist; General Petroleum Company – Egypt
Responsible for:
- Participated as a prospect generator among the study team for discovering in SWS brown oil and gas field extension (South Sennan block), North Western Desert, Egypt.
- Estimated initial hydrocarbon in place volumes and reserve OOIP using different techniques according to the standards for petroleum resource definitions PRMS.
- Worked as well-site geologist for several wells in many fields.
University:I completed postgraduate studies (pre-master) in geology and geophysics in 2010 at Al Azhar University, then pre-master in 2018 at Ain Shams University in structure geology and sedimentlogy both faculty of science geology department.
Well Data Management;
Formation Evaluation;
Production Optimization;
Formation correlation;
Operation geology;
Seismic interpretation;
Decision Analysis;
Sequence Stratigraphy;
Geological Mapping;
Training Courses;
Rock Physics;
Log Analysis (Wireline);
Fault re-activation assessment;
Interactive Petrophysics;
reservoir architecture;
Well Integrity;
Reservoir Characterization;
Production Maximization;
General Management;
Maps Topographic;
Oil & Gas well;
Formation Testing and Sampling;
Classroom instruction;
Field course instruction;
Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR);
Regional geology;
Play fairway;
Fault sealing;