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TGT Diagnostics

TGT Diagnostics

Houston, Texas, United States

TGT Diagnostics !

A leader in through-barrier diagnostics, enabling energy producers to keep wells safe, clean and productive.

About TGT Diagnostics

Powerful diagnostics that elevate well performance

We are engineers, scientists, pioneers and innovators. We understand the importance of looking at well system dynamics consistently and proactively throughout the well lifecycle from the drilling to abandonment. We are not a tool supplier, instead we adopt a unique diagnostic approach that will become standard industry practice, because it allows you to really see how your well is working.

Our True diagnostic systems and products reliably and accurately extract flow and integrity information from your well, truly understanding its dynamics and turning them into unique actionable insights so you can manage performance safely, productively and profitably.



Our vision is that oil and gas producers will never drill, operate or decommission a well without using TGT’s ‘through-barrier’ diagnostics.



Our mission is to create and deploy powerful ‘through-barrier’ diagnostics that reveal a greater truth by sensing and diagnosing the entire well system, enabling oil and gas producers to keep wells safe, clean, and productive.

Description of Services

Through-barrier diagnostics

Reshaping the future of the oilfield with through-barrier diagnostics


The industry is changing and TGT is at the forefront of this change. We have created a new oilfield category that goes beyond conventional techniques to provide a complete and uncompromising analysis of the entire flow and integrity picture to see exactly where the system has been compromised.

Through-barrier diagnostics assess more than the inner workings of the wellbore, viewing the well system in its entirety. Our diagnostics provide more comprehensive insights, placing operators in a better position to make more informed decisions about their well.

Redefining the well workspace

While traditional definitions and diagnostics separate the well completion from the reservoir, we recognise that understanding their dynamic interplay and the critical relationship between flow, integrity and overall system performance, is essential in order to get the best out of your well.

The goal of a well system is to connect the right fluids to the right places, safely, productively and profitably. This can only be achieved when two vital components flow and integrity, are fully understood.

Our proprietary through-barrier diagnostic systems are developed in-house by a highly specialised team with resources and expertise to advance technology from the germ of an idea into a fully commercialised system. Our focus covers the full spectrum of technological development from research, scientific advancement and applied mathematics to engineering, software development, manufacturing, and deployment in the field.

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What we do

Our Products:


1. True Flow Products

Know where your flow is going with these True Flow products:

  • Total Flow
  • Reservoir Flow
  • Wellbore Flow
  • Dual String Flow
  • Fibre Flow
  • Fracture Flow
  • Stimulate Flow
  • Sand Flow
  • Reservoir Pressure
  • Horizontal Flow



2. True Integrity Tube Products

Ensure your well is performing with these True Integrity Tube products:

  • Multi Tube Integrity
  • Primary Tube Integrity
  • Dual String Tube Integrity
  • Chrome Tube Integrity
  • Collars Tube Integrity


3. True Integrity Seal Products

Ensure your well is performing with these True Integrity Seal products:

  • Multi Seal Integrity
  • Primary Seal Integrity
  • Cement Seal Integrity
  • Packer Seal Integrity
  • Drilling Losses
TGT Diagnostics what we do image TGT Diagnostics what we do image TGT Diagnostics what we do image TGT Diagnostics what we do image

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