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Tom Selman

Tom Selman



About Tom Selman

Midland, Texas, United States

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Selman & Associates, LTD has the skill and technology needed to provide accurate gas readings and keep mud logs for your drilling rig. We are located in the Midland, Abilene, and Dallas, TX area, but provide services nationwide. All of our employees have gone through SafeLand and H2S training to prevent accidents and recognize potential issues within your drilling rig before they become problems.

We also live on-site while you're drilling in case you have any questions or concerns about the reports we provide. Schedule expert geological monitoring services today.

Company: work logo Selman & Associates Duration: Jan 27, 1983 to Present . 42 years 2 months
Position: President Duration: Jan 27, 1983 to Present . 42 years 2 months Location: Midland, TX, USA Description:
Providing geological consulting, geological monitoring, and surface logging services since 1983.