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Vladimir Ingerman
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Vladimir Ingerman

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About Vladimir Ingerman

Houston, Texas, United States 8:21 am local time

Founder & CEO $150/hr
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Dr. Ingerman received a Doctor of Technical Science, as well as a Ph.D. in oil field development, and a Master of Science in geophysical methods. He has 55 professional publications including two books. He founded Amros Corporation in 1994.       

Global Petroleum Show 2018 recognized Amros Corporation as an Award Winner in the category Innovations in Technologies: Process Controls. World Oil Awards 2016 recognized Amros Corporation as a Finalist in the category New Horizons Idea. RICE Alliance recognized Amros Corporation an Award Winner in the category Energy and Clean Technology in 2015.   

He was VP of Tyumenneftegeophysica, the second largest Service Company in the Oil Ministry. In this company he was in charge of development and implementation of the software for automated processing and interpretation of log data. This software captured almost 100% of oil and gas wells in Western Siberia - the largest oil and gas region in Former Soviet Union and is still in use. The total number of the wells where software was applied exceeded a million. 

He has advised all major Russian oil companies, Schlumberger, Halliburton, Amoco, Shell, El Paso and others in the US, most major oil companies in South America, Maersk Oil in Denmark and ONGC in India.  

Company: work logo Multiple projects in different countries since 1994 Duration: Jan 01, 1994 to Present . 31 years 2 months
Position: Multiple Duration: Jan 01, 1994 to Present . 31 years 2 months Description:

Identified the formation signature that was successfully used to verify formation tops and determine which wells belonged to the same structure without seismic data for offshore Brazil.

Developed technology for calculating the oil saturation factor for oil-wet, unconsolidated reservoirs with heavy oil in Venezuela.

Developed the methodology for interpretation of marine littoral shale deposits that allows obtaining a commercial oil flow in the environment where conventional methods were ineffective in India.

Successful project in Texas where Amros identified the areas to drill high producing horizontal wells and provided production maps for future development including trajectories and initial production estimates.

Awards & Recognitions
Award Name: Go Global Awards 2021 - Finalist Award Year: 2021 Award URL: https://goglobalawards.org/shortlist/

Go Global Awards 2021 nominated Amros Corporation as an Finalist in the category Energy

Award Name: InnoStars US-China Competition 2019 - Finalist Award Year: 2019

Amros Corporation won in the U.S. preliminary rounds of the2019 InnoSTARS competition organized by US - China Innovation Alliance. Amros was invited to compete in Grand Final and business matchmaking meetings in China.

Award Name: Award Winner in the category Innovations in Technologies: Process Control Award Year: 2018

The Global Petroleum Show 2018 nominated Amros Corporation as an Award Winner in the category Innovations in Technologies: Process Control. This category recognizes a project, product or service to controls, that creates high impact disruptive innovation that will have a major influence on energy efficiency, emissions, economics, schedule or quality and practical consideration.

Award Name: World Oil Awards 2016 - Finalist Award Year: 2016

Amros technology was recognized as a Finalist for the World Oil Awards 2016 in the category New Horizons Idea

Award Name: Award Winner in the category Energy and Clean Technology Award Year: 2015 Award URL: https://alliance.rice.edu/sites/default/files/events/13th-Annual-Energy-Clean-Technology-Venture-Forum.pdf

Rice Alliance Energy 2015 nominated Amros Corporation as an Award Winner


Project management; 

Business Development; 

Well Data Management; 

Formation Evaluation; 

Production Optimization; 

Formation correlation; 

Core-log integration; 

Portfolio Analysis; 

Decision Analysis; 

Russian Language; 

Core Logging; 


Log Analysis; 

Log Analysis (Wireline); 

Log Analysis (MWD); 

Multimineral Analysis; 

Research & Development; 

Reservoir Characterization; 

Production Maximization; 




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