Part one of the two volume set. This text represents the most detailed and comprehensive book presenting modern practice and theory relevant to the thermal-flow performance evaluation, design, and optimization of air-cooled heat exchangers and cooling towers. It provides modern analytical and empirical tools used to evaluate the thermal-flow performance and design of air-cooled heat exchangers and cooling towers. Kroger covers how to prepare improved specifications and evaluate more critical bids with respect to thermal performance of new cooling systems. Further, Kroger explores improvement possibilities with respect to retrofits of existing cooling units as well as possible impacts of plant operations and environmental influences. Volume I consists of chapters 1 through 5; Volume II consists of chapters 6 through 10. The Table of Contents for the companion volumes is listed in Appendix D in each volume.
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About the Author
Detlev Kröger received his B.Sc. B.Eng. degrees from the University of Stellenbosch and the S.M., Mech.E. Sc.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge Mass, USA (MIT). He served as a Research Engineer, South African Iron and Steel Corporation, 1967 followed by Senior Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Stellenbosch (1968 - 1970). He was Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Institute for Thermodynamics and Mechanics (ITM) at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa until the end of 2002 and afterwards a senior researcher at the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Detlev Kröger has authored more than one hundred technical papers in the field of thermal engineering. He has served as a consultant to companies throughout the world and was guest professor at several universities in the USA and Germany.
Type: Hardcover
Size: 6 x 9 inches
Pages: 500
Published: 2004
ISBN: 9780878148967
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