An industry and academic standard, Applied Drilling Engineering presents engineering science fundamentals as well as examples of engineering applications involving those fundamentals. Two appendices are included, along with numerous examples. Answers are included for every end-of-chapter question.
About the Author
Adam T. Bourgoyne Jr. is Campanile Professor of Offshore Drilling and Petroleum Engineering at Louisiana State U., where he earned BS and MS degrees in petroleum engineering. He was chairman of the Petroleum Engineering Dept. during 1977-83. Bourgoyne also holds a PhD degree in petroleum engineering from the U. of Texas. He is an SPE director-at-Iarge, LSU student chapter faculty sponsor, and a member of the Accreditation Review and Advisory Panel. He has also served as both a member and chairman of the Engineering Manpower Committee and was a member of the 1980-83 Education and Accreditation Committee.
Keith K. Millheim is manager of the Critical Drilling Facility for Amo co Production Research Co. in Tulsa. He earned a BS degree from Marietta (OH) C. and an MS degree from the U. of Oklahoma, both in petroleum engineering. Millheim is an SPE Distinguished Member, 1984 Drilling Engineering Award winner, and the 1965 National SPE Graduate Paper winner. Millheim served as chairman of the 1981 An nual Drilling Technology Technical Program Committee and was a mem ber during 1978-84. He was chairman of the Directional Drilling Forum in 1983 and served as a member of the Editorial Review Committee dur ing 1980-82. Millheim is a Distinguished Lecturer for 1986-87 and is the Executive Editor for SPE Drilling Engineering.
Martin E. Chenevert is The Sylvain Pirson Centennial Lecturer of pe troleum engineering at the U. of Texas, where he earned MS and PhD degrees in petroleum engineering. He also holds a BS degree in petrole um engineering from Louisiana State U. Chenevert is a member of the Distinguished Author Series Committee and the Education and Profes sionalism Technical Committee and is a student-chapter faculty sponsor at the U. of Texas. He was chairman of the 1977-78 Textbook Commit tee and was a member during 1975-78. He also served as a member of the 1971 Annual Meeting Drilling Technology Technical Commit tee. Chenevert has presented the SPE Drilling Fluid and Wellbore Sta bility short courses since 1975 and is the author of the SPE videotape text course on Petroleum Drilling Fluids. Before joining the U. of Texas, Chenevert was employed by Exxon Research Co., was an associate professor at the U. of Oklahoma, and served as the president of his consulting firm.
Farrile S. Young Jr. is an independent oil and gas operator and consult ing petroleum engineer. Previously, Young worked for Exxon Co. U.S.A., where he was a senior and a staff engineer engaged in the de velopment of computerized rig monitoring and instrumentation equip ment. He has also worked for Baroid Div., NL Industries, in research and operational assignments relative to the application of drilling tech nology. Young currently is the president of Woodway Energy Co. Inc. in Houston. He holds BS, MS, and PhD degrees in petroleum engineer ing from the U. of Texas. Young served as a member of the 1975 78 Investments Committee and as the chairman of that committee in 1978. He was a member of the SPE Long Range Planning Subcommittee on Professionalism and Welfare in 1975, the Nominating Committee dur ing 1974-75, and the Editorial Review Committee during 1969-71. Young was registration chairman for the first Offshore Technology Conference in May 1969. He has also served on the Advertising and Ex hibits Committee and the Cementing Monograph Review Committee. He has written numerous publications in the field of drilling and rock mechanics. Young is a registered professional engineer in the State of Texas.
Type: Softcover
Size: 8.5x11
Pages: 502
Published: 1986 (includes corrections made since original publication)
ISBN: 9781555630010
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