It's 239 pages. That's it. Pared down to remove fluff and to pass on such a tremendous wealth of knowledge, it brought a smile to my face because I saw the gentle hand of Corrine, his wife, burning the midnight oil, to ensure there was an economy to his words. To compare it's difficulty in reading, think math - it requires that you know how to add, subtract, divide and multiply, and generally stays in algebra, but sometimes roars into multivariate calculus. It is an essential read for anyone who works in power generation. Period. There are no other books like this. From site analysis, scaling, planning, execution, design, construction budgets, projected CapEx, operations, maintenance, case studies to just forming the right questions - this book has it. It is also a necessary read for any E level officer or owner of a site that utilizes or has an excess of 350kW loading. For those who are curious about power and It's generation and want to take a deep dive, read this too. - Albert Thakur
Many on-site power plants either fail outright or perform far below expectations— all because of poor planning and evaluation of the power plants from the beginning. This book is intended to help those interested in cogeneration power plants by laying out a thorough and proven planning methodology for new facilities, as well as an evaluation methodology for existing facilities.
There are many good reasons to want your own power plant including: improved power quality, increased reliability, and savings on energy expenses— buying power wholesale, rather than at retail prices. Although the economics are certainly important, there are a wide range of other advantages to consider, the relative value of which will vary depending on your unique circumstances.
Features & Benefits
About the Author
Joel K. Wilson has over 30 years of experience in the operation and administration of nuclear and conventional cogeneration power plants, the supervision and training of power plant operators, and all the associated maintenance, modifi cation and repair of power plant and electronic support systems. He has a B.S. degree in Management from Southern Illinois University (Carbondale) and a M.Eng. degree in Systems Engineering from Portland State University.
Type: Hardcover
Size: 6 x 9 inches
Pages: 239
Published: December 2018
ISBN: 9781593704179
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