by Susan E. Mucha
In her book, Susan E. Mucha explores in great detail the entire account acquisition process of companies in the electronics manufacturing service (EMS) industry. EMS companies face the challenges of a 12- to 18-month sales cycle, low margins and geographically scattered customer bases. Growing the business requires a differentiation strategy and a focused process for maintaining mindshare within a diverse target market. Susan Mucha maps the process of building a differentiated brand while creating a repeatable, consistent sales process, and addresses strategies for account retention and growth.
With over 20 years' experience in the industry, Mucha has built a distinguished career consulting to EMS companies. This book is an excellent resource for chief executive officers, vice-presidents of sales and/or marketing, sales directors, sales managers, program managers, account managers, business development managers, and sales engineers in EMS companies and in related manufacturing services industries.
240 pages/Hardcover/6 x 9 inches/2008
ISBN10 1-59370-111-X
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