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Nodal Analysis of Oil and Gas Production Systems

PennWell Books
Tulsa, Ok
Description of Item

Nodal Analysis of Oil and Gas Production Systems provides a modern view on the use of nodal analysis techniques to optimize the production from oil and gas wells. It covers multiphase flow through flow lines, wells, chokes and the near-well reservoir. It teaches the development of mathematical models for those system elements, and how to implement these in computer code. It explains the underlying physics, starting from first principles whenever possible, and reverting to empirical correlations whenever necessary. It covers the essential concepts in nodal analysis of a well system and aims at providing the readers with enough knowledge to use commercial nodal analysis software for more complex systems, explore the literature in this field, and expand their knowledge.

About the Author

Jan Dirk Jansen is a full professor of Reservoir Systems and Control at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in The Netherlands. Earlier, he spent many years with Shell International in research and operational positions in The Netherlands, Norway, and Nigeria. Jansen stayed four years in Shell s Flow-IT group, which developed and maintained Shell s in-house wellbore flow software package WePS, where he was particularly involved in coupling wellbore flow and reservoir simulation software for the design of smart well solutions. At TU Delft, Jansen teaches, among other courses, a class in production optimization using nodal analysis, which he also delivered at Stanford University during the academic year 2010 2011 when he was the Cox Visiting Professor in the Department of Energy Resources Engineering. Jansen s current research interest at TU Delft is in the application of systems and control theory for the optimization and of wellbore flow and reservoir flow and mechanics. 

Type: Softcover
Size: 7x10
Pages: 368
Published: 2017
ISBN: 9781613995648

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