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Optimal Supply Chain Management in Oil, Gas, and Power Generation

PennWell Books
Tulsa, OK
Description of Item

"Technical managers and engineers will be able to use this book as a reference guide, while supply chain professionals will find it to be a comprehensive and resourceful guide to oil and gas supply chain activities, including tools for managing risks and for defining well balanced supply strategies. The plentiful examples do a good job of making the concepts even more impactful ." --Dr. Hamza Abada, RasGas Ltd.

"As an in-house Supply Chain Management Consultant with thirty years of experience as a practitioner, I welcome this most informative book, and warmly recommend it to anyone who is interested in understanding Supply Chain Management in the energy business." --Gerald Sheils

Addresses the specific supply chain management characteristics and needs of oil, gas, and power companies, and contains a wealth of industry-specific examples. 

David Jacoby provides a toolbox for large-scale capital expenditure decision making and for transforming capital and operation expenditures to exert a visible financial impact in oil, gas, and power companies. The supply chain risk management decision analysis tools offered by Jacoby will help operators increase economic value added while enhancing safety and stewardship of the environment. 

This book is an invaluable reference resource for chief operating officers; chief financial officers; engineers; vice presidents of supply chain, operations, or production; and directors and managers of procurement, purchasing, operations, or materials management. 

Features & Benefits

  • Cut through generic supply chain concepts and principles to those that have a unique and substantial financial impact on oil, gas, and power operations.
  • Jump to chapters that apply directly to your business -- upstream, midstream, downstream, or power generation.
  • Benchmark your company's operations against peers that have achieved world-class supply chain performance, and emulate their successes.


  • Energy industry executives
  • Energy policy makers
  • Energy economists
  • Energy lending and finance professionals, including venture capital and private equity
  • Academics
  • Anyone who seeks to understand, or relies upon, energy markets

About the Author

David Steven Jacoby is the President of Boston Strategies International, a global strategy consultancy, and Managing Director of BSI Energy Ventures. He is a Senior Fellow at the Boston University Institute for Sustainable Energy and serves on the advisory boards of New York Energy Week, WP Advisory (an M&A firm), and the International Supply Chain Educational Association. Previously he held international positions at Kearney and Oliver Wyman in the United States, France, Brazil, and Hong Kong. David taught Operations Management at Boston University's Questrom Graduate School of Business and earned his MBA and a Master of Arts from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He also studied petroleum engineering and holds six supply chain certifications. His academic and professional contributions to the field of supply chain management span more than 300 publications and media events. 

Type: Hardcover
Size: 6x9
Pages: 318
Published: 2012
ISBN: 9781593702922


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