Overpressured reservoirs frequently produce light oils and gases, requiring special evaluation techniques. The authors describe the major characteristics of this type of reservoir in a way that is accessible to both geologists and engineers. The book s six chapters deal with such topics as occurrence and origins of overpressures, reservoir-fluid properties, reservoir mechanics, and estimating original gas in place and predicting performance.
About the Author
Steven W. Poston is a retired Professor Emeritus from Texas A&M University, with more than 12 years of teaching experience at the graduate and undergraduate levels in applied reservoir engineering and subsurface description of petroleum reservoirs. Poston s industry experience includes more than 14 years in a variety of subsurface engineering, geological, and managerial roles for Gulf Oil Exploration and Production Company in Nigeria, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, and Texas. Poston has been the coauthor of numerous industry technical papers; he also has served on a number of SPE committees.
Robert R. Berg
Type: Softcover
Size: 6x9
Pages: 144
Published: 1997
ISBN: 9781555630751
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