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Petroleum Engineering Handbook, Volume I: General Engineering

PennWell Books
Tulsa, OK
Description of Item

The Petroleum Engineering Handbook has long been recognized as a valuable, comprehensive reference book that offers practical day-to-day applications for students and experienced engineering professionals alike. The Petroleum Engineering Handbook is a series of 7 volumes sold individually or as a complete set.

Volume I: General Engineering presents material that is needed by all practicing petroleum engineers. The mathematics covered in the book will help readers to better understand the literature and software they use on a daily basis; other chapters include discussions of fluid and rock properties, as well as essential aspects of the economic and regulatory environment and a brief review of the social context of fossil energy. 

About the Author

Dr. John Fanchi worked as a reservoir management expert in North Sea, Persian Gulf, Gulf of Mexico, Alaska, and elsewhere; employed by Marathon Oil Company, Cities Service, and Getty Oil, Inc. in technology centers; Colorado School of Mines, Golden, professor of petroleum engineering; technology consultant; Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, professor of engineering and energy. John was the principal creator, U.S. Department of Energy BOAST and BOAST II simulators; designer of computer software. Dr. Fanchi has a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Houston and is the author of a variety of books in the areas of physics, earth science, mathematics, and engineering. He was co-founder and first President of the International Association for Relativistic Dynamics. He has worked in the energy industry, and has taught courses in energy, engineering, and physics at Texas Christian University (TCU), Colorado School of Mines (CSM), and the University of Tulsa.

Larry W. Lake is the Shahid and Sharon Ullah Endowed Chair in petroleum engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. He has served on the faculty of the Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering since 1978. He obtained a B.S.E. from Arizona State University and a Ph.D. from Rice University, both in chemical engineering. He is a world-famous expert in reservoir engineering, geochemistry, fluid flow in porous media and enhanced oil recovery.

Type: Softcover
Size: 7x10
Pages: 864
Published: 2006
ISBN: 9781555631086


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