Petroleum Geostatistics provides an overview of the role of geostatistical methods in reservoir modeling, focusing on well-seasoned geostatistical tools, their versatility, and their inherent limitations. The author provides ample tutorial synthetic examples, as well as real-case demonstrations illustrating practicality, and writes in an intuitive, conceptualizing style devoid of a burdensome mathematical treatment of the field. This title is geared toward professional geologists, geophysicists, and petroleum engineers looking for a first exposure to geostatistics, but it also can be used as a textbook on the practical aspects of geostatistics in reservoir modeling.
About the Author
Jef Caers is currently an Assistant Professor of Petroleum Engineering at Stanford University. He is also Director of the Stanford Center for Reservoir Forecasting, an industrial affiliates program in reservoir characterization and modeling. He holds MS and PhD degrees in mining engineering from the Katholicke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.
Type: Softcover
Size: 6x9
Pages: 104
Published: 2005
ISBN: 9781555631062
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