For 45 years, William Leffler's Petroleum Refining in Nontechnical Language has been the go-to best seller for anyone needing to know the fundamentals of refining. Fluid prose, easy-to-understand graphics, and helpful analogies (like the "beer bottle principle") make the refining processing schemes clear. Each chapter was carefully written in nontechnical language to give the reader a basic understanding of the refining industry. The book can be used for self-study, as a classroom textbook, or as a quick reference.
As always, Leffler's classic unit-by-unit description follows the oil molecules from the oil patch through the refinery to the consumer. In this edition, the industry's technologic progress is brought up to date. In addition, Leffler adds a new chapter on the impact of hydraulic fracing on oil price setting in refining markets and another on competitive positioning.
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About the Author
William L. Leffler earned an MBA and PhD from New York University and a BS from MIT. After a commission in the US Navy, he worked in the oil and gas and petrochemicals industries for 36 years in the US and abroad. Following that, he taught courses in universities and in companies on the upstream, downstream, and petrochemicals for 20 years while pursuing his writing career.
Dr. Leffler is a prolific petroleum industry writer of magazines and books (almost all with the words in Nontechnical Language in the title.) His books (some with co-authors) include this one on refining as well as petrochemicals, deepwater exploration & production, natural gas, pipelines and oil & gas production.
Type: Hardcover
Size: 6 x 9 inches
Pages: 266
Published: April 2020
ISBN: 9781593702809
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