Pressure Transient Testing presents the fundamentals of pressure-transient test analysis and design in clear, simple language and explains the theoretical bases of commercial well-test-analysis software. Test-analysis techniques are illustrated with complete and clearly written examples. Additional exercises for classroom or individual practice are provided. With its focus on physical processes and mathematical interpretation, this book appeals to all levels of engineers who want to understand how modern approaches work.
About the Author
John Lee holds the Peterson Endowed Chair and is Professor of Petroleum Engineering at Texas A&M U. in College Station, Texas. After receiving a PhD degree from the Georgia Inst. of Technology in 1963, he worked as a Senior Research Specialist with Exxon Production Research Co. and as a reservoir engineer with Exxon Co. U.S.A. operating districts in south Texas until 1968. He was Associate Professor of Petroleum Engineering at Mississippi State U. from 1968 to 1971 and Technical Advisor to Exxon Co. U.S.A. for integrated major field studies from 1971 to 1977. Lee joined Texas A&M in 1977 and also joined S.A. Holditch and Assocs. Inc. in 1980, from which he retired as Executive Vice President in 1999. He has received numerous awards from SPE, including the Reservoir Engineering Award (1986), the John Franklin Carll Award (1995), Honorary Membership (2001), and the Anthony Lucas Award (2003). He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering (1993) and the Georgia Tech Academy of Distinguished Engineering Alumni (1994). He also has been faculty adviser to the SPE student chapter during several school years.
John Rollins is a senior technical consultant in IBM's Software Group. After receiving a PhD degree in economics from Texas A&M U. in 1978, he worked as a petroleum economist with Marathon Oil Co. He served as Associate Research Economist with the Texas Transportation Inst. until 1987, with a joint appointment as visiting Assistant Professor of Economics and a member of Texas A&M s graduate faculty. He served as assistant director of the Crisman Inst. in Texas A&M s Dept. of Petroleum Engineering until receiving a PhD degree in petroleum engineering in 1990. He then joined Cawley, Gillespie and Assocs. in Fort Worth as a consulting engineer. He has been with IBM Corp. since 1996. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in Texas.
John Spivey is Principal Reservoir Engineer with Schlumberger Consulting Services in College Station. He received his PhD degree from Texas A&M U. in 1984 and served as Assistant Professor at Abilene Christian U. from 1983 to 1985. He worked for SoftSearch Inc., which later acquired Dwights EnergyData, from 1985 to 1990, developing petroleum engineering and economics software. In 1990, he joined S.A. Holditch and Assocs. Inc., where he worked in various areas of reservoir engineering, continuing education, and software development. He has worked for Schlumberger since their acquisition of S.A. Holditch and Assocs. in 1997. He also has served as an adjunct faculty member at Texas A&M U. and Montana Tech.
Type: Softcover
Size: 8.5x11
Pages: 376
Published: 2003
ISBN: 9781555630997
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