by Jim August
RCM Guidebook: Building a Reliable Plant Maintenance Program is a must-have for those responsible for developing plant maintenance programs.
Reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) is a risk-management process that is objective, measurable, and systematic as it selects and performs effective preventive maintenance (PM) tasks. This text provides what readers really need -- guidance on how to keep PM development with RCM simple and understandable. This text will appeal to a range of readers, providing a nuts and bolts reference material on practical RCM use. August gives readers a step-by-step explanation of maintenance plan development . He begins with a three primary utility requirements for maintenance optimization, and explains the roles of equipment templates, component failures, workscopes, practical implementation barriers, process considerations, data control, RCM standards, and software applications.
267 Pages/Hardcover/2003
ISBN10 1-59370-007-5
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