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The Electric Power Industry: A Nontechnical Guide

PennWell Books
Tulsa, OK
Description of Item

The move from carbon-based fuels to renewables — particularly wind and solar which produce electricity — make this book a "must read" for anyone who works in the energy space or just wants to know more about energy and its future. 

Covering generation to distribution, this book provides a practical guide to the electrical power industry, with a special focus on renewables — their opportunities and challenges. Starting with an explanation of electricity, how it works, and why it works that way, the book moves on to a history of the industry that generates, transmits, and distributes electricity. The book also covers the materials, hardware, and instruments the industry uses, and how utilities construct, operate, and maintain "the grid", encompassing control rooms, wide area controls, and cybersecurity. The final chapters explain regulations, grid reliability, markets, and the challenges the industry faces in the future. 

Features and Benefits

  • Electrical energy basics
  • History of electricity
  • Renewables and clean energy
  • The electricity value chain
  • Cybersecurity
  • Operations
  • Storage
  • Role of natural Gas
  • System reliability
  • Markets
  • Challenges for the future


  • Field level personnel
  • Management
  • Energy lending and finance professionals
  • Anyone who seeks to understand how, or relies upon, energy markets
  • Students

About the Authors

Tom Miesner spent over 25 years at Conoco Pipeline, retiring as president in 2003. After retiring (the first time), Tom founded a boutique consulting business, serving clients in the oil and gas midstream industry. Over the past 19 years, Tom has written three other books, taught over 200 instructor-led classes, and produced numerous video-based oil and gas pipeline training materials. Observing where energy was headed, Tom became interested in electrical power, leading him to write this book. For years, Tom has served on numerous boards and management committees, and currently he is a member of the Central Texas Angle Network, where he serves on its board. Tom invests in early-stage hard tech and energy tech companies and helps entrepreneurs develop and execute business strategies and tactics. 

Andrew Gallo is an energy industry veteran with over 35 years of experience. He has taught numerous workshops and published a video on compliance with federal regulations applicable to the electric industry in North America. Andrew retired from Austin Energy in 2021 and recently joined the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. (ERCOT) as Assistant General Counsel - Regulatory. His interest in the direction the electric industry is heading led him to agree to co-author this text. Over the years, Andrew has served, and continues to serve, on various committees in the electric industry, including many years on the Standards Committee of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), serving as its chair for two years. When not thinking about the electric industry, Andrew enjoys jogging, playing soccer and tennis, and spending time with his family at their lake house. 

Type: Hardcover
Size: 6x9
Pages: 409
Published: December 2022
ISBN: 9781955578103


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