The first edition of The Reservoir Engineering Aspects of Waterflooding was published in 1970 and written by Forrest F. Craig, Jr. At the time of publication, much of the theory of oil displacement by water had been developed and many laboratory studies completed; however, the ability to perform computer modeling of 3D fluid flow in reservoirs with complex geologic depositions was in its infancy. In addition, several of the earliest, large-scale field applications of pattern waterflooding had begun, but long-term performance results were not yet known and various infill drilling programs had yet to be implemented. This second edition reviews the fundamentals of waterflooding theory and the experimental studies undertaken to understand the water displacement of oil in one, two, and three dimensions.
About the Author
H.R. "Hal" Warner, Jr., SPE, is a consulting reservoir engineer. Previously, he worked for 27 years for ARCo, ending as a Senior Technical Advisor; since 2000, he has been an independent consultant and has spent much of his time during the past decade consulting through DeGolyer and MacNaughton. Warner is an SPE Distinguished Member and received the 1979 AIME Rossiter W. Raymond Award. He has written many SPE technical papers and served as Executive Editor of SPE Reservoir Engineering (1992-1994) and on the JPT Special Series Committee (2004-2012). He is the author or coauthor of three chapters in SPE's Petroleum Engineering Handbook (2007) and served as editor of the Emerging and Peripheral Technologies volume; he is also the coauthor of SPE's Low Invasion Coring monograph. Warner holds a BS degree from Iowa State University and a PhD degree from the University of Wisconsin, both in chemical engineering.
Type: Softcover
Size: 7x10
Pages: 562
Published: 2015
ISBN: 9781613994214
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