Corefloods/sand packs
Corefloods tests and sand packs are essential tools in the field of petroleum engineering, specifically in enhanced oil recovery (EOR) processes. They are used to study the behaviour of fluids in porous media, such as oil reservoir rocks, and also used to develop effective strategies for maximizing oil recovery. Our lab handles corefloods of all types; we build different Coreflooding rigs/setups to match your experiment and needs and train you how to use them. Some of the components of the core flood include the following; Core flood setup consists of the following components: Displacement test diagram: (1) carbon dioxide cylinder, (2), manometer gauge, (3), (4), and (5) transfer cells for oil, brine and nanofluids respectively, (6) valves, (7) pressure transducer, (8) core holder, (9) data acquisition computer, (10) back pressure regulator, (11)collector, (12) Isco pump,(13) overburden pressure gauge.
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Dr. Farad Sagala
Dr. Farad Sagala