Montney Regional Shale Study
Analysis of 60 key wells in the Montney and Doig Formations
The Lower to Middle Triassic Montney and Doig intervals represent extremely prolific resource plays.
This study provides insight into the connectivity of textural attributes of the wells.
This study provides a petrophysical and geologic analysis of key wells in the Montney and Doig Formations. NUTECH provides insight into the connectivity of textural attributes of the wells with NULOOK Shale Analysis and NUVIEW 2D Attribute Mapping.
The Montney Formation is a Lower Triassic age unconventional reservoir located in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin of British Columbia and Alberta, Canada. The formation is composed of siltstone, shale, dolomitic siltstone, and fine grained sandstone. The Montney Formation is unconformably overlain by Jurassic or Cretaceous deposits, and unconformably underlain by the Permian or Carboniferous strata. The Montney Formation reaches a maximum thickness of 920 feet (280 meters), and is estimated to have reserves on the order of 449 TCFG, 14.5 BBNGL, and 1.1 BBO. Horizontal drilling and extensive fracturing is necessary to have hydrocarbons flow through the low permeability siltstone. The Doing Formation is a Middle Triassic age unconventional reservoir located in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin of British Columbia and Alberta, Canada.
The Doig Formation is composed of argillaceous siltstone and calcareous phosphatic shale. The Doig, which reaches a maximum thickness of 620 feet (190 meters), conformably overlays the Montney Formation, which is directly under the phosphatic nodular beds of the Doig.
Reservoir Potential Evaluation
NULOOK® Shale Analysis
NUVIEW® 2D Attribute Mapping
Montney Regional Shale Study - Consultation
Montney Regional Shale Study - Consultation
Energy Service Company,Engineering Company,Consulting Company,Contractor,Sub-Contractor
Steven Roth joined NuTech in 2000. Prior to his appointment as CEO, Mr. Roth served as Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, International Business Development Manager, and as a Senior Account Manager with NuTech.
Mr. Roth graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1986 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology, and later earned his Master of Science degree in Geology from Kansas State University. With more than 36 years of experience in the oil and gas industry, he has also worked as:
Mr. Roth is also a member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), and the Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists (SIPES).
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Steven Roth
Frederick Geosciences, LLC
Energie Dall'ambiente Srl
Frederick Geosciences, LLC
Vladimir Ingerman
Marie Foord Consulting