Powder River Basin Regional Study
Analysis of 148 wells
Industry’s renewed interest in Powder River Basin was the catalyst for NuTech’s release of Powder River Basin Study version 2.0. PRB v2 includes petrophysical and geomechanical analyses on 148 wells in the basin. The analyses covers formations of interest from the Teckla through the Muddy, where zones are present. These include Teapot, Parkman, Steele, Sussex, Shannon, Niobrara, Mowry, and Muddy. Individual well analyses were placed into a 3D geologic model. 41 reservoir property maps were created on the Niobrara & Mowry resource horizons. Mapped parameters on Niobrara and Mowry include average and net porosity, average and net permeability, average clay volume, TOC, OIP, Hydrocarbon Pore Volume, Brittleness, Structure, and Isopach.
Reservoir Potential Evaluation
NULOOK® Shale Analysis
NUSTIM® Geomechanical Analysis
NUVIEW® 2D Attribute Mapping
Consultation on Powder River Basin Regional Study.
Consultation on Powder River Basin Regional Study.
Energy Service Company,Engineering Company,Consulting Company,Contractor,Sub-Contractor
Steven Roth joined NuTech in 2000. Prior to his appointment as CEO, Mr. Roth served as Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, International Business Development Manager, and as a Senior Account Manager with NuTech.
Mr. Roth graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1986 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology, and later earned his Master of Science degree in Geology from Kansas State University. With more than 36 years of experience in the oil and gas industry, he has also worked as:
Mr. Roth is also a member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), and the Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists (SIPES).
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Steven Roth
Pan India Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
RockLog Consultancy
Zia Kamal