Amros ShaleVision™ technology identifies the highest producing zones (sweet spots) in shale and tight rocks using open-hole log data. We use advanced formation evaluation technique to generate a Production Profile that accurately predicts production along the entire well and separates bad and good zones. It provides information to identify the best entry points for horizontal wells that optimize well placement. Developing only sweet spots allows operators to avoid drilling bad wells and focus on developing only the highest producing wells with the potential for triple in production and recovery efficiency. Frac Less – Produce More.
The technology significantly increases recovery efficiency and reduces environmental impact.
As noticed above, developing only sweet spots allows operators drill three times less wells and keep current production. Operators can have huge additional profit and at the same time reduce in three times the volume of water, proppants and different chemicals pumping under the ground.
Technology can be applied worldwide for new and old wells. Reprocessing existing data will increase production from areas considered depleted by identifying reserves previously missed.
Our Business Model is simple. The operator provides open-hole log data. We study this data and generate locations of sweet spots and the best entry points and trajectories for horizontal wells with estimates of recoverable oil & gas reserves.
Input data:
The technology optimizes well placement:
The technology delivers:
The delivered information provides solutions to the two biggest challenges operators face: a huge inventory of low producing wells and frac hits.
It depends on the number of wells. 30 wells can be processed during a month. The cost is $10,000 per well.
Vladimir Ingerman grew up in the Former Soviet Union in a medical doctor’s family. After graduating Oil Institute of Grozny, he worked four years in the field expedition in Tajikistan. He started as an operator of logging unit and within several months was promoted to Logging Supervisor. In this position, he developed a new logging tool to identify locations of fluorite in the wells.
Dr. Ingerman received a Doctor of Technical Science, as well as a Ph.D. in oil field development, and a Master of Science in geophysical methods. He has 55 professional publications including two books. He has advised all major Russian oil companies, Schlumberger, Halliburton, Amoco, Shell, El Paso and others in the US, most major oil companies in South America, Maersk Oil in Denmark and ONGC in India.
He was VP of Tyumenneftegeophysica, the second largest Service Company in the Oil Ministry. In this company he was in charge of development and implementation of the software for automated processing and interpretation of log data. This software captured almost 100% of oil and gas wells in Western Siberia - the largest oil and gas region in Former Soviet Union and is still in use. The total number of the wells where software was applied exceeded a million.
In 1989 he was selected as one of the top ten geoscientists in the Ministry of Oil.
In 1990 he was offered a position with Halliburton and moved with his family to USA. It was the first contract between an employee of Soviet Ministry of Oil and an American company.
He founded Amros corporation in 1994. Amros Corporation has been providing innovative geoscience solutions to help operators optimize the development of both conventional and unconventional reservoirs around the world:
In 2013 Amros Corporation introduced ShaleVision™, proprietary technology based on decades of research and analysis that identifies the highest producing zones in shale plays, allowing operators to target the best producing zones and avoid the cost of drilling low productive wells. Developing only sweet spots allows operators to decrease production costs by a factor of three as compared with geometrical drilling. The new approach significantly increases recovery efficiency and reduces environmental impact. Operators can have huge additional profit and at the same time pump much less water, proppants and various chemicals under the ground.
Amros Corporation received five Awards at different international technology events during 2015 – 2021:
He is married and has two sons. He lived in and visited 70 countries and swam in 47 seas and oceans. Participated in yacht trip around the world. Likes pets, plays tennis, ski, windsurfing and scuba diving.
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Vladimir Ingerman
10,000.00 - $1,000,000.00
Vladimir Ingerman
10,000.00 - $500,000.00
Vladimir Ingerman
10,000.00 - $500,000.00
Vladimir Ingerman
10,000.00 - $1,000,000.00
Pan India Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
10,000.00 - $250,000.00
Selman & Associates, LTD
5,000.00 - $50,000.00