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We Will Provide Logging Mobile App

28 June 2024
Cost: $1,000.00 - $25,000.00
Description of Service

Put the rig in your pocket with our convenient application. The "Selman Surface Logging" app gives you access to all of your logs, reports, streaming data, and cuttings sample pictures, all in near real time. This app frees you from a life in front of your computer. Now you can obtain the latest logging information wherever you are on mobile phone. Any Selman logging service that collects data in real time and creates a log includes access via our mobile application for no additional charge. View real and accurate data at your own convenience, instead of waiting on e-mail.

The app is available in Google Play and Apple's app stores.

What You Will Get From Purchasing This Professional Service. Deliverables

The "Selman Surface Logging" app gives you access to all of your logs, reports, streaming data, and cuttings sample pictures, all in near real time.

Duration To Complete Service. How Long Before Service Is Completed

1 week - 1 month

Providing Geological Monitoring Services Since 1983. Selman & Associates, LTD has the skill and technology needed to provide accurate gas readings and keep mud logs for your drilling rig. We are located in the Midland, Abilene, and Dallas, TX area, but provide services nationwide. All of our employees have gone through SafeLand and H2S training to prevent accidents and recognize potential issues within your drilling rig before they become problems.

We also live on-site while you're drilling in case you have any questions or concerns about the reports we provide. Schedule expert geological monitoring services today.

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